Thursday, October 23, 2014

Vanilla E Liquid

Vanilla E Liquid
vanilla e liquid
Vanilla Shake is a gourmet vanilla e-juice that was innovated in Southern California by a premium e liquid and vaporizer company named Puff King.
Puff King takes some really big steps in making excellent e-liquids. They start out by using all natural flavorings in all of their mixes to ensure that their products taste great and remain as safe as possible. The Vanilla Shake has a flavor that is smooth like no other, and you would be hard pressed to find a better experience.
The vanilla is silky smooth and rich with flavor. Very aroma filled and very delicious!
Puff King uses all glass bottles with all of their products to maintain their amazing natural flavor, and that is a big sign of a good e-liquid.
Vanilla Shake tastes great all by itself and I can easily puff on it all day without any problems, but it also makes for a great mixing juice. I really like to take a fruity flavor like mango or pineapple and then split it 50 50 with some vanilla. The taste is like no other and it definitely one that you want to experience if you are a fan of vanilla.
I use a Horus vape mod and this stuff tastes absolutely amazing out of it. If you are on the hunt for the best vanilla e liquid,  I would highly recommend this one!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Cotton Candy E Liquid

Cotton Candy E Liquid
cotton candy e liquid
If you are looking for the best cotton candy e juice for sale online, it is pictured right above, and it is called Kotton Berry. This flavor is created by a great in the e-liquid industry named Puff King, and while they have been producing amazing gourmet e-juice flavors for a couple of years now, this flavor is brand new!
Kotton Berry captures that amazing taste of Cotton Candy, but it also adds in a little hint of blueberry as well! I guess the makers of this flavor must have really loved the blue cotton candy over the pink!
Puff King only uses natural flavorings in all of their products so I am curious to know how they made this one taste exactly like cotton candy with all natural flavors. Either way, this cotton candy can't be beat.
I really love how big and thick the clouds are from this liquid. It really impresses friends and turns some heads!
If you are looking for the best cotton candy e liquid to buy online you should definitely check out Puff King and one of their newest e liquid flavors called Kotton Berry, and I am sure you will be glad that you did!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Best Tobacco E Liquid

If you are on the search for the best tobacco e liquid you should check out Vintage Tobacco from Puff King. They are based in the United States out of California which is probably the leading vaporizing state in the entire country. This gave them a lot of experience within the industry and gave them some really big insights with what made certain companies succeed and or fail.
best tobacco e liquid
Vintage Tobacco is one of the best tasting tobacco e-juice flavors that I have ever tried and it impressively blew some really big clouds that were fun to see.
There are a lot of things that Puff King does great and here are some of the things that make them stand out compared to other e liquid vendors:
  • Puff King starts out by innovating all of their products within the United States, giving them an edge on all of the Chinese designed products.
  • They only use 100 percent natural flavorings in all of their e-liquids, making them taste better than any other brand!
  • Puff King bottles up all of the e-juice products in all glass bottles
  • 5 different nicotine levels for each flavor
As you can see Puff King goes the extra mile for their customers and that doesn't stop with just their e liquids either. Puff King has some really great vaporizers that would greatly enhance the flavor of all of their juices.

If you want te best